It happened so quickly. I was just minding my business surfing the internetS and out of left field Israel says, "Daddy I'm going to poo-poo on the potty now." So I said the same thing I usually say for the 100000000000000000 time; "OK Israel let me know when you're done." Clearly not expecting anything since he hasn't gone on the potty in about 4 months (when his regression process started).
Then all of a sudden I heard "Daddy come here I did it." You would've thought Ed McMahon had just knocked on my door with one of those big checks in his hand.
So after all the prayer,hoping,and waiting...FINALLY a breakthrough.
He may not come when you want him (or expect him). But He'll be there right on time. Truly an on-time God.
Some might ask why I'm praising the Lord for my son using the potty. And my reply to that would be "why not praise Him?"
YAY!! Congrats for the breakthrough. My little guy is 21 months and we aren't there yet. I hope things keep going well.